Whimsical music stand with companion cup holder. Adjustable cup holder puts your drink right where you want it.
Artist’s Statement
I set out to build an industrial grade music stand that would be sturdy and hold up music pretty good; I believe that I have achieved this goal. I also wanted to create a piece that would be attractive and professional …. maybe next time it will come out a little better.
The design is inspired by a failed attempt to make a usable length of pipe out of remaindered ends and my desire to get better at using an acetylene torch without wasting any of the really good stuff. There is clearly some sort of trick to getting little pieces lined up and what it is I may yet discover.
In order to achieve a strong and durable product, I planned to use largely high grade steel joined with precision professional fasteners. Unfortunately, I had none of these materials in the shop and wasn’t about to go out and buy any, so I had to use whatever was at hand which, frankly, wasn’t much. In fact, shop supplies were so low that most of the parts were retrieved from the shop floor (and the recycle bin – thereby making an environmental as well as an artistic statement).
I was going to paint it, but got tired of the project and moved on.