I am generally not making these machines anymore, so I guess this is a “vanity” page and maybe a catalog of ideas. If you see something you like here, a local fabricator should be able to copy what you see here.
Implements below are no longer available for sale.
The "Bed Lifter" is an undercutter bar that runs below a crop. The effect is to loosen the soil in the bed in order to harvest the crop easily, instead of using a garden fork. Great for carrots, parsnips, onions, garlic, etc. The blade can run over 14 inches deep which gets under even the biggest carrots and parsnips. This has been our most popular implement.
BED LIFTERS ARE NOW BEING BUILT BY TWO BAD CATS, LLC IN VERMONT. Two Bad Cats, LLC offers bed lifters as finished implements and has added some useful innovations to the tool. You can see their offering on this page: https://www.twobadcatsllc.com
Contact them through their website: www.twobadcatsllc.com or email pete@twobadcatsllc.com
Below are some other machines and farm implements I have built in the past.
A homestead farmer making his own biochar requested a grinder to crush the biochar he was producing with a small commercial retort. The 2 drums are pressed together with powerful springs and turned with a hand crank. The springs allow un-charred chunks to pass through without stopping to clear the machine. Drum spacing is adjustable as well.
An extremely versatile addition to a farm\'s toolkit is a simple platform for mounting on a 3-point hitch. Useful for carrying all sorts of materials and supplies around. It can make use of the tremendous lifting capacity of the 3-point hitch. Shown here carrying a couple 55 gallon drums of water for watering-in some transplants at a remote site.
Not wanting to buy a pickup truck for the occasional use I might have for it, I built a trailer for my Honda Civic. It is really remarkable how versatile the car-with-trailer is, and I can always unhook it and have my fuel efficient Honda back. I have never missed having a pickup truck. What kind of custom trailer or wagon would make a difference for you?
At Stearns Farm we needed a trailer that could be pulled down a vegetable bed with the tires running exactly in the aisles beside the bed. When no comercial product was found with a 4 foot wheel-span, I built a wagon to fit. It has been used for spreading mulch on beds, carrying harvested crop, and children\'s hayrides around the farm, among other things. The upper sides and front panel are removeable.
Most commercial water wheel transplanters require a 40+ horsepower tractor and a category 2 3-point hitch. Following ideas from Chris Yoder and others, I\'ve made several of these smaller versions to fit a category 1 3-point hitch on a 20+ HP tractor. The water is carried in the tractor\'s front loader bucket, usually in a 55 gallon drum. Some farms also use the planter as a tractor-mounted dibble.
This Mott tow-behind flail mower could only be raised and lowered by rebolting the wheel attachment arms and allowed only a few inches variation. I added a mechanism that allows the mower height to be adjusted by turning a hand wheel. This allows making a high pass when taking down crop beds and then a low pass to thoroughly mulch the debris.